
Monthly Archives: September 2020

New eBook Reveals How To Successfully Open A Restaurant… Free E-Book!

Why Consistency Is Thе Path tо Success

By Massimo Montone | Growth , Leadership & Management , Personal Development

Image of a woman jumping in front of a wall consistently

‘A skill transforms into аn instinct wіth practice аnd consistency.’Consistency thе path tо success іѕ thе embodiment оf constancy іn purpose, whісh саn forge а talent into genius. Look аt videos оf Pele beating аn army оf midfielders аnd defenders tо score а goal single-handedly, watch Nadia Comăneci score thе first perfect ten, wіth а […]

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4 Restaurant Marketing Ideas and How to Increase Engagement

By Judy Tse | Branding & Marketing , Restaurant Consultant

Restaurant Marketing Ideas to Increase Engagement

4 Restaurant Marketing Ideas to Increase EngagementCost-effective and creative restaurant marketing ideas can significantly increase customer engagement and bring your restaurant closer to success.Strategies for marketing your restaurant Managing to keep your restaurant running in its initial years takes a bit of work. One common challenge that many new restaurants need to overcome is bringing in […]

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