Brand New 'FREE' eBook From Massimo Montone at Restaurant Keys
“New eBook Plus A Free Training Reveals How To Successfully Open A Restaurant… Even If You Never Worked In One Before"

Hi, I'm Massimo Montone, The Restaurant Consultant.
Since 1998, I've Launched Several Multi-Million Pounds Restaurants In Many Different Categories, And I've Learned A Lot Along The Way.
Today I'm Going To Share With You What I've Discovered - This eBook Covers Everything You Need To Know About Opening A Restaurant For Your New Venture, Using These 14 Proven Secrets As Your Roadmap.
“This Is Truly A Time Sensitive Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before Everyone’s Gets It."
“No tricks gimmicks or anything of the sort! This is filled with knowledge, key fundamentals and practical advice to launch your restaurant. -Massimo Montone
This isn't like any other restaurant eBook you've ever read. There's no fluff or filler - just battle-tested tactics that have always worked and are working right now.
And it's easy to read.
At 14 pages, you can read it in minutes.
Here how to turn your love of hospitality into a restaurant business even during these Difficult times
Starting a business from scratch isn’t easy, its very hard work, but it could be the beginning of a satisfying career. And a very lucrative one:
Instant download
Downloadable digital file, you can read it on a digital device - a tablet, smartphone, computer, etc.
Inside the PDF
Inside the digital file, you will find all useful information in one place and at hand - Here are the key elements on how to successfully open a restaurant in UK and some steps you will need to take to achieve your goal with a clear check list, from your why to marketing and promotions.
The UK catering sector is worth £1 billion. But, more to the point, it’s one of the very few industries that isn’t dominated by a handful of big companies.
First Sections
You will discover your why, what style of restaurant you want how to figure that out, who is your target market, why is important to know your competitors.
Name your restaurant
The name of your restaurant will become the face of your brand, so it’s important
you take time to get it right and ensure you’re completely happy with it. It will
become a major part of your business identity.
restaurant Business Plan
Steps to create a business plan. This will allow you to identify any flaws
in your potential business and things that are yet to be considered, and also aid
you in your financial journey when you come to consider funding options.
This is our gift to you along with the eBook
‘How to Successfully open a restaurant’
‘The Ultimate Restaurant Opening Checklist’ this is the one we use when we launch any restaurant.
This checklist will help you on your journey to opening. It is by no means an exhaustive list. Each project and each company will be different but we have tried to hit the big points you will not want to forget.
“No tricks gimmicks or anything of the sort! This is filled with knowledge, key fundamentals and practical advice to launch your restaurant. -Massimo Montone

This e-book gives you the most important points on how to open a restaurant. This is fundamental to give you a guide and establish the right track on the steps to follow when you open a restaurant.
This EBook Covers Everything You Need To Know About Opening A Restaurant For Your New Venture, And Save Time On The Internet, Using These 14 Proven Elements As Roadmap.
Enter your Name & Email below and click the button to receive your 100% free copy of the ‘HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY OPEN A RESTAURANT’ PDF Plus a free gift!
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