4 Types of Customers You Will Meet While Running Restaurants After COVID-19 Recovery
Even when the pandemic ends and COVID-19 is no longer a deathly threat worldwide, people are going to take some time to recover from the impacts. There are various lifestyle changes that we will undergo, perhaps changes that took place while we were in isolation and would like to continue with as we go back to normalcy again.
Some of the major changes we will definitely see will revolve around hygiene. Never again will we think about eating food without washing our hands or thoroughly using a hand sanitizer. We’ll weigh the pros and cons of going out when we aren’t feeling well or spending time in crowded places.
Running restaurants after COVID-19 recovery will come with many changes as well. If you want to engage in responsible restaurant management after COVID-19, you need to take a look at how your restaurant currently works and what you can do to make your customers feel safer and in good hands.
Read also what it takes to survive COVID-19 Pandemic.
Here are some of the types of customers you’ll meet when running your restaurant after COVID-19.
1. The Hygiene Conscious Ones
These will be the most common customer you’re going to encounter. Not only will people be more conscious about the measures that went into preparing food for delivery, they’ll want to be careful when dining it at your restaurant as well.
Customers may ask you how often you sanitize the tables, whether any of your staff take off their masks or gloves in the kitchen, and if you’ve been monitoring the health of all your employees. Does your restaurant close up shop and thoroughly sanitize the place if someone has an illness? They’ll also want to know how many people you’re allowing into your dine-in per day.
To ensure that you don’t get caught up in a hygiene-related situation, make sure you sanitize and disinfect each table, chair, and seating area when customers leave. You also need to thoroughly satisfy your customers with regards to how effectively you are washing all dishes and utensils and the SOPs that your employees are following behind the scenes.
Some Gov. guidelines here.
2. The Crowd Conscious Ones
When customers enter your restaurant, they are bound to be wary of how many people are dining in. Are they sitting far apart or is your area crowded and full of too many people? Have you reduced the seating to prevent large numbers of people coming and going into your restaurant in one day?
Not only does a large crowd become difficult to monitor, it might also take a dangerous turn if anyone is actually carrying the virus. Instead of having to deal with a few potential cases, you will have endangered the lives of several customers.
To appease these crowd conscious customers, you should reduce your seating, place the tables far apart, and even set up plastic dividers between each individual seat for added measure. In fact, the most convenient way to prevent crowds and keep customers satisfied as well is to encourage outdoor seating.
Most restaurants that have currently opened up again are opting for curb-side seating arrangements which allow customers to stay at a distance from each other. It also allows proper ventilation and prevents the risk of a virus spreading.
3. The Ones Who Prefer Take-Out and Delivery
After months of staying indoors and avoiding human interactions—many people will prefer remaining this way until they are ready to face the world again. This means you’ll most likely be facing a rise in take-outs and delivery, which can cause problems if you don’t have enough staff or a convenient system for placing online orders.
To make sure that customers who prefer ordering food can order as easily and smoothly as possible—consider upgrading your business’s website, hiring more delivery boys, and ensuring that proper measures for hygiene and storage are taken throughout the process.
Get your delivery boys checked up often to ensure that no one has caught any illness. They have to interact with several people throughout the day and travel throughout the city and are hence at the highest risk of both spreading and contracting the virus.
Contactless customer service—or managing customers without physically interacting with them is quickly becoming more important. You’ll have to amp up your marketing tactics and ensure that customers still have the ability to connect with your restaurant on a personal level—because this encourages them to become long-term customers.

4. The Ones Who Prefer Disposable Utensils
While there has recently been a trend of encouraging recyclable or reusable utensils and dishes—many of your customers may not be comfortable with using the same plates and utensils as other customers. Even when you ensure that they’ve been properly sanitized, there will always be customers who are doubtful. This could impact your impression among such customers and become a barrier in acquiring more sales.
To avoid this issue, you can start small by having the option for disposable items. After the arrival of COVID-19, it has become clear that disposable products are essential when trying to control the spread of the illness. You can have the option for your customers to bring in their own utensils or offer disposable ones at your restaurant.
This might be a new and unusual concept for your restaurant, but the circumstances that have been created because of the pandemic have brought in many changes to the way we run our businesses. Safety has become a higher priority than sustainability when it comes to consumable goods.
What Matters Legally On Returning To Work During Covid-19? Find Out Here.
Last words
Among the many COVID resources for restaurant management that you will be required to take up, being conscious of your customers’ anxieties is a skill you must learn.
After all, having customers that are satisfied with the measures you are taking and feel safe to visit your restaurant is a key factor in getting your business back on its feet after the pandemic.
Do you want to know more? Browse through our blogs to receive more trade secrets. You can also hire our restaurant consultants for professional assistance.
Click here for a checklist to support food businesses to reopen safely during COVID-19 after a period of inaction.