5 Restaurant Owner Duties That You Must Always Perform
Are you struggling as a new restaurant owner? Are you confused about which duties and tasks fall on your shoulders? Well, you're not alone. There are many responsibilities that you need to execute effectively as a restaurant owner. Be it supervising the staff, calculating monthly budgets, or paying the never-ending bills – there's a lot more on the plate than you may think.
Even if you're not a restaurant owner yet and are thinking of starting a restaurant or café of your own, you've come to the right place. Here's a brief insight into what tasks and duties you will have to perform to ensure you are well equipped with proactive restaurant management skills.
Managing the Costs and Revenues
The money is in your hands here. Being the restaurant owner, this time-sensitive and vital duty of keeping the flame in the kitchen blazing and the lights shining bright is the first on the list. Paying the bills in time, acquiring a loan if need be, and keeping a check on daily revenue and costs; all these tasks fall under your nose as well. However, transparency is key here. Bring your managers on board to discuss how to budget effectively and which costs can be cut down in the coming month. Their input is important here, and teamwork is a skill you need to be a pro at.
Motivating Employees and Organizing Training Sessions

There are days where employees may be feeling a bit down or distracted while performing their tasks. Establishing an open-door policy to understand what the problem may be is a step that can be taken. If the staff is lacking in a certain skill such as bartending maybe, then organizing training sessions for them on how to improve and learn new abilities along with people skills are to be set up by you.
For this, you have to be watchful of the staff and observe employees while they perform their daily tasks. This means your presence in the restaurant is an important duty which you can't forgo. It highlights your own motivation and dedication, which can then be inculcated among your employee as well. So, if you are motivated, so will your employees be.
Surveying the Market for New Trends
Keeping up to date with restaurant trends and customer tastes and preferences is the hunt you have to be on as a restaurant owner. This includes visits to reputable and new restaurants to survey their overall customer experience. This will help bring new and innovative ideas for your restaurant - which have to be unique and different from the rest. Do the same for your own restaurant. Walk in as a customer and analyse the experience, from the paint on the walls to the cutlery in front of you, be your own critic.
In addition, giving the customer the experience they look forward to rests in how well you plan and execute your vision. Be it the interior aesthetics, the colour palette you go for, or the overall theme of your business venture. Keeping it maintained and well balanced is an important and time-consuming task you cannot overlook. It's best to hire professionals in the field to help bring your ideas to reality. You don't want to cut corners here.
Supervise Recruitments
While the manager conducts interviews and recruits employees, the duty of the restaurant owner is to supervise these processes. This allows the owner to be aware of which new employees have been recruited and which skills they are proficient in. This helps establish a hierarchy in the restaurant management and keep track of the employee's progress. More so, if the manager decides to fire anyone from the staff, you're aware of the reason and can align your opinion to that of the manager.
Promoting the Restaurant
Networking, networking, and some more networking! This is the topmost priority on the list to get all of the above duties executed in a smooth and effortless manner. In the process of doing so, you have the opportunity to promote your restaurant business and bring in more customers. And, you know the formula; the more the customers, the more the profits.
Whether it's a launch for a new menu, re-opening after a 2-month long renovation period, or a private event you are catering to, you are the face of your restaurant. Thus, promoting and marketing it is an essential aspect of your duty which always needs to be performed in a welcoming and professional manner.
So, What's Next?
Now that you're mentally prepared with what responsibilities befall your shoulders, you're ready to execute them efficiently as they come. And, if you're already a restaurant owner, you can look back at which duties you do perform on a daily basis and which you can improve upon.
It should be a breeze; given you have a competent and able workforce to help you out. Remember, they're your most valuable assets, and without their presence, your duties would fall to the wayside. So, appreciate the, often, it's part of the duty as well!
To learn more about supervising your restaurant business and staying up to date with the latest restaurant developments, visit our website. We have a number of guides via blogs, videos, and even experience restaurant consultants who can assist in making your restaurant management easy.
For more information, you can call us at 0203 916 5199 or drop an email at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.