Brand New Guide from Massimo Montone at Restaurant Keys
New Guide Reveals How To Start And Run A Takeaway Business From Home…Even If Nobody Has Ever Heard Of You

Massimo Montone
This Complete Guide Will Show You How to Turn Your Love for Food into a Takeaway Business, as well as how to be proud of yourself and make money along the way!
You Will Learn How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Food Business, What is Important When Preparing a Business Plan, and Ensuring You Have the Right Licences and Equipment.
But First... A Disclaimer:
Please understand that the results I am sharing with you are not typical. I am not implying that you will duplicate them.
I have the advantage of having worked in the food industry for over 25 years and have a reputation for achieving results.
The average person who buys how-to information usually sees little to no results. I use the references in this guide for example purposes only.
Your own results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All business entails risk and also requires considerable and consistent effort and action. If you are unwilling to accept this reality, please DO NOT GET THIS GUIDE.
With that said, let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly what you will get
This guide is radically different from anything you have ever read because it is a field guide to takeaway for massive success rather than a traditional eBook or guide.
The reason is that there is no fluff or filler. It immediately gets down to what you need to know: Showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.
Plus, it is easy to read.
At just 24 pages, it can be read in an afternoon.
Finally, you will immediately have access to the entire methodology that we have personally used to create some of the most successful takeaway businesses.
Here is a fraction of what is inside and what it could mean for your business:
This is for you if...
Do you enjoy cooking? Are you constantly baking, whipping, blending, stewing, and roasting? Everyone is constantly telling you that you could profit from your efforts. However, if you are looking for a quick and easy way of making money that does not require hard work, this is not for you.
Make your takeaway business work
Takeaway kitchens come in many different forms. With the high street closed for business for the foreseeable future, many would argue that now is not the right time to start something new, but the opposite is true.
Many people like you would love to do something they enjoy while earning a living from it. With home takeaway businesses, people can often feel that they do not have any professional experience or training, and it can be hard to know where to start.
Takeaway is a great business for hardworking people; running one can be exhausting as it may involve long and unsociable hours depending on the business model, but it can also be an extremely profitable investment if you get everything right.
There is a strategy for it
In addition to this guide, you will have the opportunity to get a strategy call directly with me of exactly how that strategy works as well as how you can start implementing it immediately.
It is not a new tech gizmo.
It is not software.
Here is what to do next
The cost of this guide is £9.70. You will get it instantly as a PDF download.
Why £9.70?
Well, the cost to get this in front of you was exactly double.
I figured you would prefer to get the guide immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks for a print copy.
As soon as you place your order, you will be sent an email receipt with the download link.
From there, you can download the guide and read it.
You can access your guide anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you.
Oh, and in case you were wondering...
There is no catch!
I know that some websites offer you a great deal but then stick you in a programme that charges your card every month.
This is not one of them. There is NO hidden ‘continuity programme’ that you have to try, or anything even remotely like that.
I am offering you this entire guide at cost as a way of putting my best foot forwards and demonstrating its real value.
My hope is that you will love it, and this will be the start of a fruitful business relationship for years to come.
With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind.
Time is of the Essence
Here is why.
I take a loss by selling you this guide at this price.
The reason is that it costs me £19.40 in advertising to sell one copy.
Why do I do that?
I want to make a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.
Yes, I have other products and services that you may be interested in.
I am hedging my bets that you will enjoy the guide so much that you will ask to try the other training and services that I offer. Pretty straight forward.
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I guarantee you will love this guide, or I will return your £9.70 and let you keep the guide.
Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I will give you back your £9.70 with no questions asked.
How is that for fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before They Are All Gone
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
P.S. In case you are one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of emails, here is the deal:
I am offering you a 24-page guide that outlines the exact strategy approaches that I have used to create wildly successful takeaway businesses, including my own businesses and ones for my clients.
All you pay is £9.70.
In addition to this book, you are getting a complete 30-minute three steps walkthrough coaching call of exactly how that strategy works as well as how you can start implementing it immediately.
This bonus not only shows you what the three steps are; it also gives you examples on how to deploy them for your business.
I am giving it to you as a gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the guide immediately.
This is a limited offer because I am running a test. If I do not at least break even on my advertising costs, then I will end this offer.
There is no ‘catch’ to this offer. You will not be signing up for a trial to a monthly programme or anything like that.
In fact, if you do not like the guide, let me know and I will return your £9.70.
Click here and claim your copy now. You will not regret it.
Copyright 2020 by Restaurant Keys Ltd 43, Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London, W1J 5AP
[email protected] | 0203 916 5199