Top Restaurant Budgeting Excel Template
Create accurate restaurant financial projection and start-up cost, fast and easy in using this spreadsheet alone.
With thousands of Excel budget templates available across the internet, it can be difficult to find the perfect spreadsheet for your new restaurant.
" The Only Financial Spreadsheet Your New Restaurant Needs "
And All on a Tight Budget.

Your financial spreadsheets are the backbone of your restaurant’s future health.
This is for you if...
… you are in the early stages of your restaurant business plan, and you are expected to perform many types of “what if” analysis. Your goal is not only to achieve specific sales but also to hit all cost targets without missing any. Whether you’re a new restaurant owner or a seasoned veteran, you’ll want to make sure you’re properly projecting your revenue and expenses.
Well, IF YOU ANSWERED YES to any of those questions above, please read on because what I am going to tell you will help creating your complete restaurant financial projection.
Just imagine for a moment having:
Saving time and once the work is done in a short number of hours you have a complete projection ready to present to your shareholders.
Having an accurate projection that you understand and easy to adapt, change and always refer to.
A complete financial projection and start-up costs for your new restaurant in matters of hours.
Top Restaurant Budgeting Excel Template

Create accurate restaurant financial projection and start-up cost, fast and easy in using this spreadsheet alone. With thousands of Excel budget templates available across the internet, it can be difficult to find the perfect spreadsheet for your new restaurant
And All on a Tight Budget
You can never solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created the problem in the first place.
Albert Einstein
The restaurant financial projection and start-up cost is an all-inclusive one-year (and 5 years) financial planning template for the restaurant industry. The restaurant budget template allows you to project financials for your company regardless of whether you have a restaurant or any other hospitality venture.
This is a great tool for owners/CFOs of restaurant business to project their start-up costs, running costs and turnover. restaurant financial projection and start-up cost template allows you to see the projected profitability of your restaurants,
Functionality of the Restaurant Financial Projection and Start-up Cost Template:
Property information
Cap Ex & Set Up
Projected Covers
Front & Back of house rotas
Projected P&L
Projected 5 Years
This restaurant financial projection and start-up cost template contains assumptions and projections for Profit and loss statement (P&L), full opening and start-up cost, (CAP EX & SET UP), as well as detailed projections for different cost groups, e.g. salaries, rent payments, and more. These detailed projections influence the big picture and are logically divided into different, sections or worksheets.
Here’s how to use your restaurant financial projection and start-up cost spreadsheet
Enter the Property details on the ‘property information sheet’, trading days, and what will be the increase year on year in relation to the property.
Under ‘Cap ex & Set up sheet’, enter fit out costs, equipment costs, set up cost, legal and professional costs and working capital costs.
Enter on your ‘Predicted Covers Sheet’ your predicted covers per meal period and average spend per meal period and you would get an average weekly sale, you will also assign the percentage of wet and dry.
Under ‘Salary’ you will not need to input only the payrate. Here when step 5 is complete you will see the staff cost.
Enter on both ‘BOH & FOH sheet’ the personnel positions and do the actual rota, this automatically will share information with the previews sheet.
Under ‘Assumptions sheet’ you will have to impute all your operational assumptions.
The ‘Projected P&L sheet’ you will have your final result for the business, you can make variation on the top for, called monthly percentage variation, and new start up adjustment.
Under ‘Projected Yearly sheet’ you will have the 5 years projection per year.

Massimo's ran a workshop of launching Restaurant Business and venturing to MA Luxury Brand Management students - core module - LBM718 - Strategic Management of a Luxury Business Class at Regent's University London in Spring 2019. This was an excellent workshop with practical exercises, insights, tools and useful information. It was a good refresher session for me too. He has shared his knowledge and experience with great enthusiasm and clarity. Students appreciated it.

When opening my first restaurant concept in Poland, Massimo and his team has helped me enormously to clarify my business model and to get all my numbers right. Thanks to Restaurant Keys, I was able to efficiently and truthfully create a budget for 5 years in advance and got all my costs under control from day one which enabled me to get the most out of the business. Most importantly, I received all the excel templates and sheets that I needed – creating all these tables & analyses and working out the percentages for each expenditure category would take me at least two years. This means that learning through experience actually would have cost me many thousand Pounds. So if you ever think you cannot afford Restaurant Keys services, my reply will be: actually you cannot afford not to use their help. I am now looking to expand the concept into a chain and again Restaurant Keys is helping me to understand which business model will be the most suitable for the restaurant. I cannot recommend them enough, their services is pure gold!

About Restaurant Keys
Restaurant Keys is a full-service consultancy helping investors, brands and operators to unlock the full potential of hospitality ventures - from inception to launch, and beyond - founded by Massimo Montone in 2015.
With over 25 years experience within the hospitality industry, Massimo employs a combination of astute business acumen with emotional intelligence to guide clients through every step of building a restaurant business. Whether you are a private equity firm looking to turn around a brand in your portfolio, a brand seeking international growth or an existing operator looking to expand, a national chain in need of improving profitability, Restaurant keys can help.
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Create accurate restaurant financial projection and start-up cost, fast and easy in using this spreadsheet alone
With thousands of Excel budget templates available across the internet, it can be difficult to find the perfect spreadsheet for your new restaurant
Act now! Buy now! Your Satisfaction is guaranteed.
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