
Restaurant Launch Roadmap

Restaurant Launch Roadmap is a seven-week-long intensive and interactive live coaching programme, and this is the big benefit you will receive when you join: from the seat you are currently sitting on, you are going to become a successful entrepreneur and learn how to launch any food business, restaurant, café or bar. 

8 Lessons


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Profit Restaurant Formula

You will gain much knowledge on how to get ahead faster and think and feel like a successful person from the inside out. It is easy, fast and practical eBook. 

The ideas and content in the book will save you time and hard work and help you achieve better results. I wish there was a book like this around when I started in the restaurant business.

53 Lessons


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The Ultimate Restaurant Opening Checklist

This checklist will help you on your journey to opening. It is by no means an exhaustive list. Each project and each company will be different but we have tried to hit the big points you will not want to forget. We encourage you to tailor this list to your organization needs and have left space for you to do so.


Restaurant Manager Training Manual

The Restaurant Trainer Manual is the perfect template to follow and make all related adjustment to your own venue standards to train your managers. A very extensive and detail job description. It can also be used for yourself to know restaurant management best practice. 

82 Lessons


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Activate Your Worth and Passion

This Course will advise you How to avoid being broke and alone.

How much time and energy do you spend worrying about money? If you’re like most people, it probably consumes your thoughts. It probably impacts your relationships, your self-confidence and your sense of inner peace. No matter what your dreams are in life, one thing is for sure: worries about money will rob you of your opportunity to get what you really want.

37 Lessons


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Winning Made Easy - The Secret Ingredient to Winning

The roadmap to winning are the same, and as soon as you begin applying them in your life, you’ll find yourself developing your own winning strategy – and it’s ok to get a little creative! What’s important is that you’re getting closer to your goals. But enough explanation; let’s show you how to get started!

18 Lessons



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How to Start a Takeaway Business From Home

You Will Discover, How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Food Business, What's Important When Preparing a Business Plan, Ensuring You Have the Right licences and Equipment.

Video Lessons are on Lesson 2, Lesson 7 and Lesson 11. Covering each lessons. So if you want to jump straight to video go to lesson 2. 

"This  Guide is Full of Up-To-Date Informations for the Aspiring or Novice Entrepreneur."

15 Lessons



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How to Successfully Open a Restaurant

You'll get to learn The 14 key elements and some amazing practical secrets, tips and tools on How to Successfully Open a Restaurant and become the Entrepreneur you deserved to be!

16 Lessons


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